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The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust


The layers of governance within the Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust include:

Governance at BWCAT


Responsible for holding Directors to account and ensuring the charitable object of the organisation is being fulfilled. They are the guardians of the governance of the Trust and are accountable to the Bishop. They are responsible for the appointment of Foundation Directors and Foundation Governors.


In conjunction with the CEO, have ultimate responsibility for making strategic decisions about the day-to-day running of the academies within the Trust and delivery of the three core governance functions:

1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction of the Trust.
2. Holding executive leaders to account for the performance of the organisation and its pupils and for the performance management of staff.
3. Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

The Directors have a duty to uphold the charitable object of the organisation and are accountable to the Members and the Bishop (who is a Member).
The Trust is a limited company by guarantee and a charitable trust. Responsibility for the academies that make up the trust and for the funds granted by Parliament for providing education in those academies is entrusted to the Board of Directors. 
The Directors are both the Charity Trustees and Company Directors of the Catholic Multi-academy Trust Company. Some of the work of the Trust Board is delegated to individual committees; for example, Resources, Audit and Academy Councils. 

Academy Council:

In conjunction with the Headteachers, support Directors by monitoring and challenging the performance of each academy at a local level.

The Academy Council has delegated responsibility for monitoring the day-to-day running of the academy. The Academy Council is made of volunteers who serve as Foundation Governors, Parent Governors, Staff Governors and the Headteacher. Foundation Governors are appointed by the Diocesan Bishop, Parent Governors are elected by parents or carers of pupils at the academy and Staff Governors are elected by staff at the academy. 
The Academy Council at each academy includes:
  • The Headteacher
  • 6 Foundation Governors
  • 2 Parent Governors
  • 1 Staff Governor 

BWCAT Governance Structure





