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The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust

Key stage 1 - 2

Our schools offer a broad and balanced curriculum which exceeds the breadth of the national curriculum.  The necessary timetable time is allocated for coverage of each area of the curriculum. All subject curriculums are planned and sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before and towards clearly defined end points.  Activities in lessons require confident knowledge of components without overloading working memory. Formative and summative assessments are proportionate and are purposeful. Our teachers demonstrate their love of the subject and model engagement. Consequently, engagement in lessons is high.



What do we teach?


We teach the core areas of Maths, English, Science and Religious Education in Key Stages 1 and 2. We ensure our curriculum is progressive and builds on components, skills, and knowledge taught in previous years. This ensures that our children know more and remember more over their time as pupils of the BWCAT.

We teach the full complement of foundation subjects. These include art, design technology, Modern Foreign Languages, History, Geography, Music, IT, and PE.


Programmes of Study



Work of artists, Exploring and evaluating ideas, Drawing, Digital media, 3D design, Painting, Printing, Textiles and Collage.



Reading Our curriculum in reading enables pupils to gain expertise and confidence in all facets of being a skilled reader.

Writing (Transcription)- Our Writing curriculum ensures unlaboured handwriting, accurate spelling, accurate and effective application of punctuation, knowledge of a variety of high-quality language knowledge of how to use this in speech composition and reading for meaning.

Spoken language- the content of our curriculum enables pupils to learn competent and confident spoken language.



Geographic Enquiry and Skills, Geographical Skills and Field Work, Locational Knowledge, Human and Physical Geography and Place Knowledge.



Knowledge of topics, substantive concepts such as ‘tax’, ‘king’, Knowledge of chronology of time periods, Cause and consequence, Change and continuity, Historical significance, Similarity and difference, Sources of evidence and Interpretations.


e-Safety, Programming, Handling Data, Multimedia and Technology in our lives.



Pupils who succeed are more motivated, so we seek to engineer success. The most powerful facts are made explicit and delivered in a highly structured way. The learning of important facts and methods reinforce each other. We place emphasis on using facts and methods so that pupils can learn how to use them to automaticity. We should ensure that firstly pupils have learned the facts and methods required to solve the problem to automaticity, rehearse strategies and teach pupils how to recognise the deep structure.


Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, Intercultural understanding and Grammar.



Instrumental learning, Opportunities to perform, Engagement with music outside the curriculum, Building blocks, Gradual acquisition of knowledge and skills, Well-judged level of challenge.



Healthy lifestyles, teamwork and cooperation, Spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development, independent learners and effective leaders, Character building, Resilience, Enjoyment, Confidence, Commitment and desire to improve, participation and competitiveness, Thinking and Decision Making, Physical and emotional well-being.


Personal Development

Citizenship, Character Education, Inclusion and equality of opportunity, Wider safety, Economic understanding, Understanding of technology and media.


Religious Education

Our high-quality education in RE inspires in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the concept of religion and the world’s religious and non-religious traditions.


Within our science curriculum, we study plants, rocks, animals including humans, forces and magnets, materials and their properties, states of matter, seasonal changes, electricity, light, Earth, and space, living things and their habitats, sound. Subjects are taught at an age-appropriate level. We ensure that our children use methods to answer scientific questions apparatus and techniques, include measurement analysis, develop presentation and evaluation of scientific data to draw valid conclusions and well as the development of scientific knowledge over time and its implications.



Our senior leaders take great delight in ensuring that activity choices are relevant and purposeful to the needs of their children. For example, one of our schools is situated very close to Leeds/ Bradford Airport. The children have many opportunities to study the airport and every class completes field work and accesses OS maps of the area.

Please do not hesitate to contact any of our schools of you require further information.