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The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust

5 September 2023 Another record-breaking Year 11 Results Day at St. Mary's, Menston

St. Mary’s is celebrating again – This summer’s Year 11 cohort has achieved the schools best ever results which have exceeded grades achieved pre-pandemic (2019).

St. Mary's Menston Exam Results 2023

This year's cohort have excelled with nearly 600 7-9 grades being awarded across a broad range of subjects. In what has been a challenging exam series, 87% of students achieved 4-9 in Maths and 94% achieved a Grade 4 or above in English.  81% of students achieved 5 or more standard passes and above including English and Maths. Students achieved highly in Biology (100% 5-9), Chemistry (98.3% 5-9), Physics (100% 5-9), Geography (83.2% 5-9) and Further Maths (100% 5-9). There was also very strong performance in Religious Education, Drama, Media Studies, Textiles, History and PE.  Students have had great success in Health and Social Care and Sports Science (47% achieving a Level 2 Distinction/Distinction*).

There are so many exceptional results and students should be very proud of what they have achieved, especially in the context of the breadth and depth of the curriculum offer they have studied. We are also very proud of the way that students have committed themselves to the wider life of the school.’ These results give our students a firm foundation to progress onto further study. We wish all our students the very best for the future and look forward to welcoming many of them back into our Sixth Form. Well done.

Miss Margaret Hattersley, Headteacher, St. Mary's Menston

These results follow on from fantastic A-level results day last Thursday where St. Mary’s students achieved well above the national average at; A*-A (31.7% vs national 26.5%), A*-B (66% vs 52.7% national) and A*-C (85.4% vs 75.4 national).