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The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust

St. Joseph's Pudsey Supporting Foodbank Friday

Many of you will have heard about the increased need for many families to access the foodbanks around the country. As a Trust, it has been agreed that all Trust schools will support the Foodbanks by putting on a food bank Friday.

This means that, on the last Friday of every month we will ask for donations to be brought into classes which the mini Vinnies will then collect up and we will then send to the foodbanks. There will be a trophy for the class who bring in the most donations. The first Foodbank Friday will be on Friday 29th September 2023 where we will be asking for donations of non-perishables such as tins, pasta, toilet roll etc. If you feel you are able to send in an item it would be very much appreciated.

This story appeared in the St. Joseph’s Newsletter 15 September 2023