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The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust

St. Mary's Menston Celebrates their Best Year 13 Results

Congratulations to all our Year 13 students on their excellent A-level and Vocational results.

The class of 2023 has achieved a record number of grades in a wide range of subjects, demonstrating not only the outstanding abilities of our students but also the breadth of talent and teaching at St Mary’s. We have seen brilliant results in Business Studies, Computer Science, Drama, English, Geography, Health and Social Care, Mathematics, Religious Studies and the Sciences.

We are delighted that our students have bucked the national trend for performance at A* - A, and A* - B grades. I am particularly pleased that these results follow a 5 year trend of exceptional performance which shows what a fantastic sixth form we have here at St. Mary's.

Miss Hattersley, Headteacher at St. Mary's Menston

A special well done to the following students:

  • Yasamin Bajoghli A*AA (employment)
  • Hannah Byrne A* A* A* A* Oxford University (Mathematics)
  • Lucy Charlton A*AAA Manchester University (English Literature)
  • Anna Ciesluk A* AAB Leeds University (Medicine)
  • Alexandre Dias A* AAA Durham University (Computer Science)
  • Edward Dunsire A*,A,A Warwick University (Engineering)
  • Gabrielle Fellowes A*AA Newcastle University (Dentistry)
  • Oliver Howes A*A* A, A Cambridge/Warwick University (Mathematics)
  • Charlotte Madden AAA Bristol University (Zoology)
  • Elliot Wood A*A*A Warwick University (Mechanical Engineering)
  • Tom Young A* A*A Nottingham University (Law)

St. Mary’s prides itself on the personalised support it provides which enables students to secure places at the most sought after universities nationally. We are especially pleased that this year 43% of students are going to a Russell group organisation, 61% have achieved their 1st choice destination, alongside strong Oxbridge successes. I would like to thank the careers and sixth form team for giving outstanding guidance and support to our students.

These results are testament to the hard work and dedication of all our Year 13 students who have diligently applied themselves over the last two years. They have worked hard to ensure they achieved their best this summer and we would like to thank all members of staff and parents, who support each of our students every day. We are so proud of all your results and wider achievements, and we wish you all the very best for the future.

Alison North, Director of Key Stage 5 at St. Mary's Menston