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The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust

The Good Shepherd Celebration 2024

All schools in The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust fundraised for the Good Shepherd Appeal.

Good Shepherd Celebration May 2024


The Bishop’s annual Good Shepherd Celebration at St. Anne’s Cathedral took place on Tuesday 21 May 2024.

The presentation of cheques to the Bishop for Catholic Care is known as the Good Shepherd Celebration. This Leeds Diocesan charity supports and cares for some of the most vulnerable, disadvantaged marginalised people living in our Diocese.

As is traditional, the celebration started with the Procession of the Banners around the cathedral.

During the presentation of the donations, Bishop Marcus received the monies collected by the schools as part of the Appeal which is held during Lent each year.

The children have the opportunity to talk to the Bishop excitedly and with great enthusiasm about the various ways they have raised their funds and he is always amazed by their ingenuity.

