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The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust

Our Mission and Vision

Outstanding Catholic education for all pupils. As a family of schools, we will enable our young people to develop spiritually, morally, intellectually and personally, putting their faith into action, through serving Christ in others, in the church and in there world around them.

Our Vision for 2025 - click to read more

  • A strongly held and demonstrable common identity and purpose as a Catholic family of schools that collaborate closely, communicate effectively and inclusively, share, and support each other.
  • A faith filled Catholic community, promoting the spiritual, moral, intellectual and personal development of our pupils, enabling them to put their faith into action.
  • Delivering more and better through collaboration and solidarity, whilst still enabling our schools to celebrate their own distinctive characters and respond to their individual circumstances.
  • All schools are securely ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ on both OFSTED rating and S48, with strong and improving outcomes for all.
  • A rich and exciting curriculum, where all pupils thrive and develop in virtuous character.
  • An employer of choice, with a positive leadership culture in our schools, providing excellence in professional development, taking effective action to support the workload and wellbeing of staff.
  • Strong and strategic governance, supported by effective succession planning for governors and operational leaders.
  • An organisation practising good stewardship of public goods through efficient and effective service to our schools, the local community, government and society.
  • Taking effective action to become an environmentally sustainable organisation.
  • An outward-facing Trust, with a range of strategic partners, working together to advance education for the Common Good.


Our Faith Journey

Developing our Faith journey through continued development of Character Education and Virtues across our schools and increasing the opportunities provided to pupils to lead Collective Worship.  As a Trust, we will also demonstrate our commitment to the Diocesan Faith in Action Award.

Our Educational Standards

Further develop our educational standards through continuing to enhance our Quality Assurance procedures, developing the consistency of our assessment processes, delivering high quality CPD for staff, supporting excellent pedagogy combined with a rich and ambitious curriculum.

Our People

Develop our people through the articulation and implementation of the BWCAT People Strategy; ensuring our schools have a positive culture and climate, developing our people and talent, along with supporting staff workload and wellbeing.

Our Organisation

Enhance our Trust organisation, in order to strengthen the Trust family and community including continuing to strengthen our finances, estates management, IT systems and support for governance.

Our World

Contribute to our World, through strengthening external engagement and partnerships to extend the reach and depth of our offer to pupils, staff and communities, along with being an environmentally sustainable organisation.