Our Responsibilities
The Directors of the Trust Board have overall responsibility for Safeguarding. However, the Trust Board will delegate to the CEO and the Safeguarding Lead of the Trust to ensure operational effectiveness of safeguarding within the Trust.
It is the responsibility of the CEO and the Safeguarding Lead to complete reports and update the Trust Board to enable the Directors to carry out their strategic responsibilities, to ensure that safeguarding practices are robust and effective in safeguarding and protecting the welfare of all children and young people.
The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust is committed to the following core safeguarding principles:
- Each school has a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and a Lead Governor for safeguarding on each Academy Council
- A Director is appointed as Lead Director for Safeguarding
- The Trust’s responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people is of paramount importance
- All children and young people, regardless of age, gender, ability, culture, race, religion, or sexual identity, have equal rights to protection
- A culture of listening to children and young people and take account of their wishes and feelings
- All staff, volunteers, directors and governors have an equal responsibility to act on any suspicion or disclosure that may suggest a child is at risk of harm at home, in the community or in school
- All concerns are reported following procedures set out in the relevant policies
- Procedures are followed for working together with other agencies and for sharing information.
- Ensuring information sharing is not delayed and the relevant agencies are informed following the procedures set out in child protection and safeguarding policies.
- Ensure correct use of a Trust-wide system for monitoring child protection (CPOMs)
- All staff members, volunteers, directors and governors will maintain an attitude of ‘it could happen here’ where safeguarding is concerned
- When concerned about the welfare of a child, staff, volunteers, directors and governors are to always act in the best interest of the child or young person
- Child on child abuse, sexual violence and sexual harassment will be met with an immediate response by schools and supported by the Trust
- Policies and procedures are in place and followed for reporting allegations made against or concerns raised in relation to staff, including supply teachers, other staff, volunteers and contractors
- Policies and procedures are in place and followed to ensure our statutory obligations to safer recruitment are adhered to
- Policies will be reviewed at least annually, unless an incident or new legislation or guidance suggests the need for an interim review
- Implement appropriate safeguarding responses to children who go missing from education
- Staff, directors and governors follow their code of conduct ensuring confidentiality when dealing with safeguarding incidents or concerns.
- Ensuring the appropriate support is in place for staff and children/young people
- Safeguarding training is provided to all staff, volunteers, directors and governors
The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust will also:
- Monitor the quality of safeguarding practices and their impact on outcomes for children across the Trust. Regular reports will be provided to the CEO and the Trust Board of Directors.
- Commission external challenge and support for safeguarding audits through the Local Authority, to ensure the Trust and our schools meet their statutory responsibilities.
- Safeguarding reports and any actions to be shared with the CEO, Trust Board and Academy Councils.
- The CEO and Safeguarding Lead will conduct internal Safeguarding reviews and report any findings to the Trust Board.
- Regular audits by Lead Safeguarding Governors and reports submitted to the full Academy Council.
The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust will ensure our schools comply with training requirements as defined in Keeping Children Safe in Education (2024):
- All school staff must undergo safeguarding and child protection training at induction. This training should be updated regularly.
- Safeguarding training during induction will give staff an awareness of the school’s safeguarding systems. Induction training will also cover:
The Safeguarding and Child Protection policy
The staff code of conduct
The school’s whistleblowing policy and procedure
The role of the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
- The DSL and any deputy DSLs must undergo training that provides them with the knowledge and skills needed to perform the role. This training should be updated every two years.
- All directors and governors to complete safeguarding training including online safety on induction and updated regularly.
- All staff, directors, governors and volunteers to complete ‘Prevent’ training
- Safer Recruitment training is completed for required staff, directors and governors