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The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust

Workload and Wellbeing

The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust is committed to being an employer of choice. A central part of this is ensuring that we put managing employee workload and wellbeing at the heart of all that we do.


We value each member of the BWCAT community and commit to supporting the health and wellbeing of everyone involved in our schools. Our Workload and Wellbeing Charter, has been developed by the BWCAT People Strategy Committee, setting out key principles that we will all work to. We want to attract and retain staff who enjoy working in our schools and who are fulfilled and developed, with our organisation operating in an environment of high professional trust, with our Catholic ethos, integrity and professionalism underpinning our approach to accountability.


By implementing the principles highlighted within this charter, we are investing in and supporting our staff, as well as the pupils that we serve.

bwcat workload and wellbeing charter.pdf